2 min read
06 Dec

Day 2.  

Monday, normally a pretty busy day because China doesn’t sleep and things stack up over the weekend.  Day started with a smattering of demos from three clients and 30, two minute scripts from my main partner.  I decided to not give in and give Luna another go.  I limped through the 30 scripts on tea, willpower and a hangover and at the end edited them the way I had figured out last Friday.  After that, I did some demos for clients and decided I should watch some how-to videos from the UA geniuses… not a ton of help for VO people, but I did find the sheet that shows what keystroke shortcuts are available.  Found two super helpful things.  One, was I remembered I could route one of my “soft keys” on my controller to the “enter” button, allowing me to cut/separate clips/regions in a flash, but the AHA moment was there is a Shift+X function where I can select a region with pressing down on the magic pad and dragging to cover a selection of audio and then hitting a button that I routed to do “Shift+X” and it not only deletes the selected audio, it takes all audio on the track after it and moves it to the beginning of the selection. 

 For over three years, I’ve had to Select-delete-grab-drag.  In a normal day I do that like, for real, a thousand times a day!  I’ve just saved like 60% of my editing time.  Once you really make the “Shift+X” thing part of your life, you really won’t know how you got along without it… if you are actually doing a lot of audio daily. 

To recap, I’m not completely captivated with it yet at this point, but exporting is super easy, it plays with my interface like a boss, and after digging into the editing functions (that I hated), it turns out I struck gold.  I will email UA tomorrow and beg them to do something about the waveform color because this could be the greatest tool I’ve ever used.  If I look back to learning Logic in my early days, I should be happy with my progress.  If the audio waveform could be made a light color I might even call this my new home. 

Day 3

...was pretty uneventful and was too busy with clients to mess with anything major.  With that said, I went all day without thinking “gee, maybe I should record this one in Logic”.  AND I went ahead and created my first template.  Pretty much got rid of everything I could and resized stuff to my liking, as well as put my recording track to a ready record state.  Also, I was curious how deep it went to integrating with my Apollo.  You see, with Logic, I have a number of saved “session”.  Each plug-in you add to the console can have it’s own user presets of course, but say you just tweaked a few things in your preamp… well save it as a session.  Over the years and months, I guess I’ve relied on sessions a bit too much, because when it came to Luna, it loads whatever was on your Apollo and if you change anything it will recall that state when you reload the saved template (assuming you saved after you tweaked)… however imagine you’d like to use those same settings on another project?  I’m sure you can, somehow but I don’t know how yet.  What I’m getting at here is that I had to go into my 767 and reload my trusty “Chad VO daily” preset and then create a custom preset for me in C-vox.  After that I re-saved the template as “Daily VO” and Bob’s your uncle… or some other campy thing people say.


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